Roll With It

Mom and child in the kitchen preparing for a food show

⏳ A few years back, I created a food show for a special group of people. I had absolutely no experience 😂 in this industry but my company wanted our department to find new ways to keep our community engaged during a stressful time.

📽 During the first episode, “the very FIRST one,” the one where my supervisor and peers gathered around to watch me complete a one-and-only “take,” something happened unexpectedly.

🏁 I visualized ahead of time how everything would go. I thought through ingredients, prepared cute little dishes, and showcased stages of the process to include alternative ingredients for those folks who needed such options. I was ready.

🥕 First, let me explain, the food show focused on how to combine common kitchen food items with last night’s leftovers from an in-house dining facility in an independent living community for older adults who were unable to leave the property due to sheltering in place.

➡ I bet you can guess what was happening during this period in history. Yes, you guessed it. The show was called the “Quarantine Food Show.” 

📖 Back to the first episode. I visualized the success ahead of time. I planned accordingly and I used some recipes that I loved which brought me joy and happiness. 

🍳 So what could go wrong? Well, my overachieving personality wanted to add real cooking show elements which meant I actually cooked during the “one-take-only” recording. Despite my plan to transfer the perfectly cooked over-easy egg onto my beautifully displayed plate of toasted bagel with cream cheese and jam, the egg slipped off the spatula and dropped to the floor. 

😁 And without missing a beat, I smiled into the camera with my big, blue eyes and confidently chuckled, “Oops, it looks like I dropped the egg. Well, if you are making a mess while you are cooking in the kitchen, then it must mean you are having a good time! Making a mess is part of the experience of creating something amazing! Don’t worry, I cooked another egg.”

🗺 We have choices when things go unexpectedly. We can roll with it and focus on what is going right or we can become derailed, possibly missing the opportunity for self-discovery that may lead us to a better outcome.

My colleagues thought I handled the situation great and the residents thought it was hilarious and relatable! And thus, the food show series began.

🎯 Why share this silly food show story, because it is important to:

1) Plan accordingly

2) Visualize success

3) Be brave when trying something new

4) Understand that an egg will drop occasionally

5) Smile, chuckle, learn from it, and keep going 

6) Remember you are not alone in this journey

7) Surround yourself with a positive, growth mindset tribe that believe in your vision and are ahead of you in season so that you may have the life that you want with the least amount of dropped eggs.

⭕ What positive take away do you have from one of your unexpected outcomes?

#perceptions #resilience #lifelegacy #gratitude #humor

Jeni Davenport-Furniss

Founder I Well-Being & Executive Coach

Finding Humor To Reduce Stress