Calibrate Your Focus 10.0 Coaching Program
Ready to save 10+ hours in your week, feel like your younger self again, and still achieve personal and professional goals?
The Calibrate Your Focus 10.0 Coaching Program was created for professional who struggles with finding enough time to reach maximum satisfaction in their life.
I work with professionals who are absolutely committed and serious about making a change and are ready to do what is necessary to follow through.
Core Components
6 Bi-weekly (1-on-1) Coaching Sessions With Jeni (50-Minutes Each)
Recordings + Transcript + Summary of Each Coaching Call Provided
Weekly Accountability Check-Ins With Jeni
Daily Chat Support With a 1 Business Day Response Time
Full Access to an Online Portal (Video Lessons, 6 Modules, Docs, Templates)
Access To 3 Signature Assessments To Customize Your Plan
What You Can Expect as a Result of the Program
Save 10+ Hours Per Week and Achieve Your Personal and Professional Goals
Improvements in at Least 2 Life Areas using Well-Being 5.0 Survey Baseline Results
Increase in Energy, Confidence, and Life Satisfaction
This is where we:
Review your current time currency situation using Calibrate Your Focus 10+ snapshot
Reveal what you want day-to-day, week-to-week, and month-to-month
Create or calibrate your personal vision statement using
Signature strengths assessment findings
Core value identification
Well-Being 5.0 integrated health results
Calibrate Your Focus 10.0 Coaching Program
This is where we:
Commit to tiny personalized habit changes that support a sustainable routines
Pinpoint roadblocks
Learn mindset strategies to release Your Inner Geese (sabotaging mindset)
Claim Your Why (what is behind your drive for success- no wrong answers)
This is where we:
Share your successes with your new daily routine schedule
Use your signature strengths to achieve personal/professional tasks
Identify personal passions and what exactly feeds your soul (GENIUS ZONE)
Set yourself up for success by incorporating more genius zone time
This is where we:
Share continued successes new daily sustainable routines
Pinpoint “your FUEL TYPE” and continue to calibrate different areas of your life
Self-discover and recalibrate your time currency focus knowing that what YOU need to refuel are valuable to achieving and sustaining high performance
This is where we:
Add the advanced tools to your personalized high performance formula
Achieve faster RESULTS
Learn HOW you will be most successful “on your terms”
This is where we:
Identify any new ACTION PLANS to continue to improve efficiency
Sustain evidence-based daily routines, mindset rituals, and strategies that are now seamlessly utilized
Celebrate progress
Your passion and focus are IGNITED
Your performance is SUSTAINABLE
Let’s Get Started
I look forward to coaching you and supporting you as you reach your ideal outcome.
Book Your Game Plan Session
This is an “Intro Game Plan Session” 20-minute call. You don’t need to prepare, but you can come with a list of things to talk about.
Together we lay the foundation for your goals before diving deep in your first session and to help you determine if Jeni is a good match for what you are looking for in a coach.
3-Month Program Includes:
1) 6 virtual coaching sessions of 50 min offered bi-weekly (twice a month)
2) Full access to the Calibrate Your Focus 10+ online coaching program
3) Multiple signature assessments to help personalize action plans
4) Access to archived videos, resources, tips, and strategies for review
5) Weekly Check-Ins
6) Messaging Access to Your Coach
We Get to Work Together!
If it’s a great fit, we’ll set up our Initial Coaching Session in which we will:
Clarify your overall outcome
Identify signature strengths
Find the extra 10 hours
Improve mindset
Create or calibrate habits
Set yourself up for success with personalized techniques to reach your desired outcome

“I’ve enjoyed working with Jeni because she reminds me to celebrate all the wins, large or small, in my relationships, work, fitness, and wellness. It’s been helpful to talk through upcoming big (and sometimes scary) moments with her, so I can step into them with confidence and calmness. And I always enjoy starting every call with grounding breaths and ending with her telling me that she appreciates me.”
– David Tran, Founder, Flow Club, CA
Have a question not listed here? Feel free to contact me.
This program was created for you to put proven systems in place within a few weeks (if not the first session), which will lead you to gain the FULFILLMENT you seek in your life each and every day.
You’re a high-achiever, believer in a higher purpose, and always have a learning module or book or podcast going on somewhere. I’m known to work best with others who are ready to improve their situation and take the necessary steps to GET IT DONE, MAKE IT WORK, and BE THE BEST they can be.
Not everyone is ready to move forward with change:
1. If you are not ready to make a change, then keep searching, reading, and SURROUNDING YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE that support you until you are ready.
2. If it is uncomfortable thinking about taking ownership and responsibility for your choices and making the necessary changes, then remember that until you realize that you have the power to improve your life, then your situation will continue to stay the same, if not get worse. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for your time and health and life.
3. JOIN the free Calibrate Your Focus 10+ LinkedIn group. The free information will get you started towards your goals until you’re ready to work with me one-on-one.
Doing these three things will really help you get primed for our work. When you’re ready, call me and we’ll get started. (I’m in no rush and will be here when you are ready.)
Types of personalities I won’t work with (without exception) are the whiner or the chronic skeptic and complainer, as well as individuals who constantly make excuses for not getting their assignments done or challenging every aspect of the program. I also do not tolerate people who regularly blame others and do not take responsibility for their actions. If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not call and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Is that fair?
Yes! The result of our work together will make a difference and improve your life in all dimensions including claiming those extra 10 hours we talked about.
You can expect to:
Save 10+ HOURS per week
Increase FOCUS.
Find your joy, your zest, your BELLY LAUGH.
Calibrate your RESILIENT ROUTINE setting yourself up for success
Learn about your CHARACTER STRENGTHS and how you can use those to improve your life.
“RELEASE your geese” and learn improved strategies to start living your passion and purpose with ease.
Acquire new communication, stress management, self-care, and self-talk techniques and FEEL IN CONTROL of your body, your time, and your future.
Fine tune your SELF-CARE ensuring high-performance.
IMPROVED ENERGY, STRENGTH, STAMINA AND VITALITY that is whole-body wellness: physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, socially, vocationally, environmentally, relationally, and spiritually.
Build a RESOURCE library that will continue providing the specific support you need.
Feel more at PEACE with yourself and your progress.
Yes, I encourage you to! Please read our client testimonials on the main page. See which ones you resonate with, let me know during our complimentary call, and I’ll put you in touch.
That depends on how quickly you can transition to making a commitment to yourself through accountability with your time, your routines, your mindset, your health, and your most important values.
Do all of the assignments. Be totally committed to yourself. Understand that making changes is a process, a proven one, that only works if you TAKE OWNERSHIP and action and do the steps.
All of my clients who have diligently applied every step in the CALIBRATE YOUR FOCUS 10+ Program have said their lives are more successful both personally and professionally.
Yes, a resounding Yes! When you choose to invest in yourself by aligning yourself with a coach that understands you, your values, and your vision, and can help you create the life that you want, whether it is improved performance, wellbeing, work/home relationships, or life purpose, you will reap the rewards.
Stop and ask yourself:
How much better will my life be when I am able to do the things I want to do with those extra 10 hours a week?
How much better will my life be when I can wake up in the morning and I am excited about my plans for the day and feel a sense of purpose and value everyday?
Chances are, the amount of success you feel as your daily decisions and quality of life improve will be so valuable to you that it will more than cover your coaching investment. Your life satisfaction will be worth 10 times more than the coaching investment you made.
Expect to receive and use many of the resources, templates, and systems available to you when you join The Standing Mountain™ community. This is what you are looking for!
You are investing in yourself. You deserve this! YOU ARE WORTH IT!
You are capable of having the life that you want.