Roll With It
⏳ A few years back, I created a food show for a special group of people. I had absolutely no experience 😂 in this industry but my company wanted our department to find new ways to keep our community engaged during a stressful time.
📽 During the first episode, “the very FIRST one,” the one where my supervisor and peers gathered around to watch me complete a one-and-only “take,” something happened unexpectedly.

Finding Humor To Reduce Stress
Hey, mom, look at the rock concert!" my 23-year old son pointed out as we were hiking up Cowles Mountain yesterday.
I smiled and appreciated his humor and jest.
Humor is a character strength, one that is especially important when we are facing every day stress.
I am not speaking of poor humor, the kind that jabs at people in a teasing way. I am talking about clean, fun, dad jokes and silliness and belly laughter and joy.
I haven't always appreciated the dad jokes, I will not lie. But I now see the value in pure, plain silliness.
Laughing lightens the heart. It helps our brain relax and reset, so we can gain a different perspective while calming our body and, perhaps, getting closer to a faster resolution.

Look for the Beautiful Moments
Look for the Beautiful Moments… Witnessing the Plains Day Parade and Turtle Race Contest in Montana.
I share this because it is super important to have time to find joy in your every day.
As business owners, executives, and decision makers, we benefit when we create space to stop thinking about our work life and enjoy simple, beautiful moments from time to time.
Simple, beautiful moments that I experienced this weekend involved witnessing at least 65 excited children of all ages holding their freshly caught turtle from the nearby Clark Fork River waiting for the experienced auctioneer to call their number and place their numbered contestant in the center of a circle made from pink chalk drawn on the local bank's drive-through parking lot. So precious!

What is Your Non-negotiable?
On one of my calls this week, a client had discovered one of his non-negotiable habits. He said it improved his morning routine and enhanced his attitude during the day. What is your non-negotiable?

What is Behind Your Shoulds?
In a coaching session earlier this week, my client was sharing how he noticed that he was becoming more irritable around events NOT happening the way he expected them to happen. After several moments of active listening, we wandered into curiosity…

To Progress You Must First Struggle
In the book, “The Motivation Manifesto” by Brendon Burchard, there are so many amazing paradigm shifts and reframing thoughts. Here is one of my favorites that I share with my Start-Up Founder clients.

The Sword of Courage
All great people of history, all the heroes and leaders and innovators who lit humanity’s way out of darkness and ignorance, forged themselves the courage to overcome their internal conflicts when it mattered most.

Power of Social Health: 30:30:30 Rule
What is the 30:30:30 rule? I honestly don't remember where I learned this but when it is applied, it really helps with feeling connected and purposeful on many levels.

Pocket Dreams
What are some of your dreams you are holding deep in your pocket?

Monday: Minimalistic or Magnanimous?
It is Monday. Monday is a time for fresh goals for the week: renewed energy and focus.

Make More to Give More
Whether the motto means make moreto donate to important causes that are meaningful to you OR create more in your schedule to personally help others succeed, it is a motto that inspires me.

Lead Like the Geese
These large birds, who fly great distances across continents, have three remarkable qualities. I challenge you to be like these birds and when you are not leading, you are affirming others.

Have You Arrived?
When you get to where you are going, will you know that you have arrived? And once you arrive, will you allow yourself to celebrate?

From Overwhelm into Curiosity
Yesterday, I was on a call with a client and we transformed overwhelm into curiosity. Together, we explored the issue at hand, the unrealistic expectations, and those feelings that overwhelm our nervous system when things do not go the way we planned.

Are You on Track?
I know that some obligations just need to get done no matter what but OVERALL are you heading (spending your time and money) in the DIRECTION of your DREAMS?

Are You a Torn Book?
As we LIVE out and CREATE our own book of LIFE, the one that we wrote (well, when we were able to make our own decisions) and are still writing, we may find that there are scenes or chapters that we would like to rip out. BURN. FORGET. BURY.