What is Behind Your Shoulds?

Jeni Davenport

In a coaching session earlier this week, my client was sharing how he noticed that he was becoming more irritable around events NOT happening the way he expected them to happen. After several moments of active listening, we wandered into curiosity:

“What do you think is behind the shoulds?“ I asked, “Where is this pressure coming from?”

“This SHOULD be perfect!”

“This vacation/wedding/moment SHOULD be…”

“She/he/they SHOULD be…”

“I SHOULD be making more, living better, accomplishing this or that, further along by now…”

We explored: Who is telling you this?

Are our expectations (and motivators) from external sources (culture, family, peers)? OR from internal sources (personal values, strengths, desire)?

Can we be grateful for what is going right?

What is the MOST important thing RIGHT NOW?

How does that MOST IMPORTANT thing align with YOUR values and strengths and vision?

We had a great discussion! He gained awareness and tools for next time. 

I am so fortunate to have the privilege of helping people with:

  • Awareness

  • Alignment

  • Navigation

  • Life Fulfillment

Whether their well-being advances OR their leadership develops, our time together is always worthwhile!

It is so rewarding to witness and support another person’s successful journey.

Have a beautiful day.


What is Your Non-negotiable?


To Progress You Must First Struggle